To be able to monitor hardware health, status and information on HP servers running RHEL, it is required to install the HP’s Service Pack for Proliant packages.
It seems the Management Component Pack is the same(agent software but for community distros, for enterprise, use SPP.
There is more info about those HP tools on the HP site
Basically you just need to add a yum/dnf repository, install the packages and start a service (actually the service is started as part of the RPM post-install, which is not a good practice…)
Installing packages those days is not cool anymore, you better use containers instead!
Environment used 🔗
In my case I’ve used an HP ProLiant DL380 Gen9 running RHEL 7.9, so your mileage may vary.
Building a container with the tools 🔗
Basically I’ve modified the Dockerfile from the Academic Computer Centre in Gdansk to use ubi8-init instead.
As mentioned before, a systemd service is installed and required to be running for the tools to work, so the easiest way is to use the ubi8-init image as it contains everything needed to run systemd as PID1 and more interesting stuff.
RUN echo $'[spp]\n\
name=Service Pack for ProLiant\n\
gpgkey=file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/GPG-KEY-ServicePackforProLiant\n '\
>> /etc/yum.repos.d/spp.repo
RUN dnf install hp-health hp-ams -y
CMD [ "/sbin/init" ]
Then, build the container image:
podman build --format=docker -t hphealth .
Running the container 🔗
It is required for the container to be privileged and use net=host
it requires direct access to hardware stuff.
podman run --detach --privileged --net=host --name hphealth localhost/hphealth:latest
This will run the container detached so in order to perform the hpasmcli commands you need, you want to exec the hpasmcli in the container directly as:
podman exec -it hphealth /usr/sbin/hpasmcli -s "show temp"
Sensor Location Temp Threshold
------ -------- ---- ---------
#1 AMBIENT 19C/66F 42C/107F
#2 PROCESSOR_ZONE 40C/104F 70C/158F
#4 MEMORY_BD 36C/96F 89C/192F
#5 MEMORY_BD 29C/84F 89C/192F
#6 MEMORY_BD - -
#7 MEMORY_BD - -
#8 SYSTEM_BD 35C/95F 60C/140F
#9 SYSTEM_BD - -
#10 SYSTEM_BD 36C/96F 105C/221F
#13 SYSTEM_BD 37C/98F 115C/239F
#14 SYSTEM_BD - -
#15 SYSTEM_BD 36C/96F 115C/239F
#16 SYSTEM_BD 32C/89F 115C/239F
#17 SYSTEM_BD - -
#18 SYSTEM_BD - -
#21 I/O_ZONE 67C/152F 100C/212F
#22 I/O_ZONE - -
#23 I/O_ZONE 56C/132F 100C/212F
#24 I/O_ZONE - -
#25 I/O_ZONE - -
#26 I/O_ZONE - -
#27 I/O_ZONE 67C/152F 100C/212F
#28 I/O_ZONE - -
#29 SYSTEM_BD - -
#30 AMBIENT 33C/91F 65C/149F
#31 I/O_ZONE 28C/82F 70C/158F
#32 I/O_ZONE 29C/84F 70C/158F
#33 I/O_ZONE 30C/86F 70C/158F
#34 I/O_ZONE - -
#35 I/O_ZONE - -
#36 I/O_ZONE - -
#37 I/O_ZONE 46C/114F 75C/167F
#38 SYSTEM_BD 31C/87F 75C/167F
#39 SYSTEM_BD 35C/95F 70C/158F
#40 SYSTEM_BD 34C/93F 75C/167F
#41 SYSTEM_BD 37C/98F 90C/194F
#42 SYSTEM_BD - -
#43 SYSTEM_BD 31C/87F 60C/140F
#44 POWER_SUPPLY_BAY 37C/98F 100C/212F
There are a lot of interesting commands to check with hpasmcli, like those.